The drug company Therapharma was gracious enough to treat us MDs and families to a sumptuous meal catered by Tamayo's
then after listening to two guest speakers about Hypertension updates we were treated with excerpts from the stage play 'Les Miserables'
Hajii Alejandro, the 70s balladeer or the 'kilabot ng mga kolehiyala' of the 1970s, serenaded us with his pop hit songs from the past such 'Panakip-Butas' , 'Tag-Araw' , 'Kay Ganda Ng Ating Musika'. Ah, reminiscing the good old days of the 70s specially the OPMs brought fond memories.
My sister-in-law danced to the music 'Sway' with Hajii Alejandro
then came Rey Valera with his sons and daughter as the whole band playing Rey Valera's popular songs of the late 1970s and 1980s.
Here's a video my brother personally took using a cybershot camera, I uploaded it to YouTube...
DCRJ @ Therapharma Symposium REY VALERA's Kamusta Ka 5/4/08
Here are some snapshots from the video...
that's exposing my face at YouTube !
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