We saw KATAS NG SAUDI (2007) last night. Oscar (Jinggoy Estrada), an OFW finally comes home after 10 years in Saudi Arabia and finds that coming home is harder than he thought it would be. He has to reconnect with his children who have all grown without him, and readapt to a lifestyle that includes his family.
The film, directed by Jose Javier Reyes, is devoid of the usual cheek slappings and the overdramatizations to the point of overacting as seen in some local movies. Instead, the film is a natural bringing sympathy and understanding to the main character touchingly played by Jinggoy Estrada.
Surprisingly, Jinggoy delivered one of the touching performance without relegating to an overly dramatic fashion. Amusingly, Jinggoy has the same style and mannerism of his daddy Erap but somehow the film brought out a subtle talent making Jinggoy Estrada a fine league of his own.
Subtle humor is intact in this incredibly fine film with a bittersweet ending. My ratings: 5 out of 5 Biscuits !

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