I just finished watching the movie 'UP IN THE AIR' starring George Clooney. From the beginning of the movie I know I am going to enjoy this and I did. One of George Clooney's touching performances, I still noticed George Clooney's subtle head-bopping sideway mannerisms the way he did in other movies even when he don the Batman suit with nipples! I have a feeling George Clooney will get an Oscar nomination here. The movie although slow at times really gets the message across about life's anxieties and uncertainties. Rating 5 out of 5 biscuits !

I just finished watching 'THE LOVELY BONES' (2009) staring Mark Wahlberg. This is the least and lame work of Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson. It's a story of a 14 y.o. girl who was murdered and her spirit watches over her family. The film is a mess splattered with asynchronous themes that never holds up as a whole. Some scenes are upbeat and seems out of place in a story about murder and the afterlife. In fairness, the heavenly special effects is great and that's about it. My ratings: 2 out 5 Biscuits !

I just finished watching 'THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG'. The latest Walt Disney animated film done with the traditional hand-drawn animation but fails to deliver the traditional Disney magic. The songs and the story are average, not that I have outgrew them but it's clearly not up par with the likes of 'The Little Mermaid' or a 'Toy Story' :( My ratings : 2 out of 5 Biscuits !

I just finished watching 'THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE' again on my laptop, first time I saw this film was in the theater last year. Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana has chemistry on-screen. It's a magical film, highly recommended for those who haven't seen it. My ratings : 5 out of 5 Biscuits !

I just finished watching 'THE BLIND SIDE' starring Sandra Bullock. A feel-good movie about the true-to-life story of a homeless black kid who was taken by a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential in football and school academics. Great performance by Sandra Bullock. My rating 5 out of 5 Biscuits !
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