What I really like about this movie is that the story didn't involved medical experts spending time on research and cure or a scientific experiment on the medical case of Benjamin Button (played by Brad Pitt).
The film 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' is about a man who was born an old man (old baby?), grows younger and younger until he aged as an infant later. Sounds confusing? it's a Twilight Zone sort of thing and that's the premise of the story but the characters didn't focused on shocks and surprises about Benjamin getting younger and younger as he ages, they just accepted that fact as Benjamin goes thru life like everybody else.

Also, the curious case of this poster. Those who haven't seen the movie would call this poster a case of mistakenly printing the letters backwards.
What's very likable about this film is that Benjamin Button worries about the consequence of growing younger in later part of his life just like all of us who worries about getting old in later part of our lives. What's amusing about this film is that it is also a coming-of-age film with the character, a grandfather-looking man who tried sex and drank alcohol all for the first time.
The story has an epic feel to it involving numerous decades with historical events chronicling the life of the characters. I can truly say that this film is like The Twilight Zone meets Forest Gump !
The film also has the feel of a quality production with subtle details you would truly admire and be inspired specially if you wanted to be a film director. The period costumes are a spectacle to behold. The film also has this classic-film feel to it just like the Golden years of Hollywood.
Amazing are the subtleties of the computer generated effects not only on some cinematic scenes but on Brad Pitt's aged physique as well (also of Cate Blanchett). Having an old-man-make-up is one thing but having the body of an old man is another, you can clearly see the arthrtic formed fingers, the crooked body of an old man with osteoporosis, the age spots, the cataracts too! if you look closely.

Acting wise, Brad Pitt is simply spectacular...forget about his good looking image, look at Brad Pitt's portrayal of Benjamin Button and you could simply be blown away with his touching performance. Cate Blanchett is a marvel to look at. Cate, like Pitt, could possibly be nominated for an Oscar with their performances. Go watch the movie in theaters, you'll miss out a lot if watched on a TV via your bootlegged DVD copy.

One strong movie reference (I think) in the Benjamin Button is 'The Graduate', I don't know if that was an intention of the writers when an old Cate Blanchett, after having sex with a younger Brad Pitt in the movie, uttered the line 'goodbye, Benjamin' which automatically registered in my memories of an old Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson saying a 'goodbye, Benjamin' to a young Dusin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock from 'The Graduate' :)
The film 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls' registered into my mind when a scene in the Benjamin Button movie shows a young Cate Blanchett who wanted to see Russia. Cate Blanchett played a Russian baddie in the Indiana Jones 4 ! and also, Frank Marshalll and Kathleen Kennedy are the producers of Benjamin Button and Indiana Jones 4 ! Geez, I must've seen a million movies by now hahaha
My Ratings : 5 out of 5 Biscuits !
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