We saw the Manny Pacquiao vs. David Diaz fight at the SM Megamall. Manny Pacquiao once again defied odds of moving up to a higher weight division by displaying remarkable flexibility and hit accuracy against a natural lightweight. I always likened Manny Pacquiao as the new Bruce Lee, 'be flexible like water' remember Lee's words of wisdom ? Pacquiao and Roach tandem, a match made in heaven indeed. It's an inspiration to see Manny Pacquiao become the first Asian to held 4 championship belts in 4 different weight divisions and the first Filipino to become the Lightweight champion. I won't be surprize if Manny wins again against the planned battle with Ricky Hatton for the Junior Welterweight championship. Like I've said, flexibility and speed plus punching power is the name of the game not wide bigger bodies.
Well, here are some of the pretty Axe promo girls that I had photo-ops with before the start of the Pacquiao-Diaz fight. (Axe deodorant spray was the sponsor with Solar Sports in all SM Cinemas as in the case of previous Pacquiao fights in cinemas)

This one is the prettiest so far with her flawless skin

This one looks like Jocelyn Oxlade of the KITTY GIRLS

We were given Manny Pacquiao masks just like the masks at Mandalay Bay

One way of promoting the Axe spray is by being one of the round girls in every fight rounds

Still elated and happy in this snapshot after the flooring of David Diaz

Well not exactly an Axe promo girl but from the MyDSL booth, she's also one of the pretty promo girls with flawless skin knockout hee!
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