Some snapshots from the video

Just another politicking scenario IMHO

Pacquiao’s lawyer Franklin "Jeng" Gacal in an overseas telephone conversation with said that Pacquiao was initially upset when he heard the story but was "most upset with Congressman Rodriguez" who had claimed the fight was "just about money" and that Pacquiao had "no chance of winning."
Gacal said that after jogging in the morning Pacquiao played nine holes of golf and was now in San Diego to be at special ringside for the first US promotion by his outfit, MP Promotions headlined by the super bantamweight bout between world-rated Bernabe Concepcion and Mexican champion Caro.
Gacal said Rodriguez’ suggestion that Pacquiao be deprived of his license was "an unpatriotic act" and may derail plans for Pacquiao’s next fight possibly in the Philippines .
Gacal said "if Rodriguez plans to run for senator he should not try to ride on the popularity of Pacquiao."
source :
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