Here's the video that says everything - Boom Boom Bautista vs. Heriberto Ruiz
video courtesy of isaw14
Snapshot of the flooring of Rey 'Boom Boom' Bautista, a Manny Pacquiao that never was

Boom Boom let his face wide open for Ruiz forgotting his defensive gear in the dugout, was it because of the double head butt wound under his eyes that caused all of these ? did he became overconfident before the fight ? indeed it was too much pressure but to loose focus and not to fight with your heart and soul is one thing, being too giddy is another thing is for sure, he's not gonna be the next Manny Pacquiao, better luck next time Boom Boom !

Oks lang yon, wag ka na umiyak ha, tahan na boom boom, next time sila i-boom boom mo
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