U.S. director George Lucas arrives for the screening of the animated film "Kung Fu Panda" by directors Mark Osborne and John Stevenson at the 61st Cannes Film Festival May 15, 2008.
George Lucas hinted that there would be a 5th sequel during an interview in the premiere of Kung Fu Panda at the Cannes Film Festival. "I haven't even told Steven [Spielberg] or Harrison this," he said. "But I have an idea to make Shia LaBeouf the lead character next time and have Harrison come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out."

Shia LaBeouf (star of 'Transformers' and 'Disturbia') is Mutt Williams in 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'. Mutt is the son of Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood??
Although it's hard to imagine what Lucas has up his sleeve, passing the bullwhip to Shia LaBeouf's character, Mutt Williams, could make sense. Rumors have been swirling for months that Mutt is Indiana's lovechild with Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen.

But, for now, diehard Indy fans can breathe easy: Ford, 65, hasn't hung up his fedora just yet. On Friday he told reporters, "Till they tell me otherwise, I will continue to be Indiana Jones."
article source: Yahoo! News May 17, 2008

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