Here's the opening scene of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (1981) where the Paramount mountain logo morphed exactly as one huge mountain in one of the key sequences of 'Raiders' (pic below)

This is an actual mountain (not CGI, there weren't any CGI effects circa 1980s) found on location shooting by the art direction team and was chosen by director Steven Spielberg. The silhouette of the man with the battered hat appeared

The Paramount mountain logo morphed into a mountain engraved on a gong in the opening scene of the 2nd Indiana Jones installment called INDIANA JONES and the TEMPLE OF DOOM (1984) (pics below)

The Paramount mountain logo morphed into a huge rock boulder in the opening scene of the 3rd Indiana Jones installment called INDIANA JONES and the LAST CRUSADE (1988) (pics below)

Paramount mountain logo snapshots were screen captured by me from my Indiana Jones trilogy original DVD collection.
INDIANA JONES and the KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL (2008) will be shown May 22, 2008. Look for the Paramount mountain logo that will morphed into the lucky mountain element in the opening scene of 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' and perhaps you'll remember me or this blog as well hehehe

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